5th Grade TeenZone Preview Nights

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Program Type:

In-Person Program

Age Group:

Child, Teens

Program Description

Calling all graduating 5th graders! School will soon be out, and starting in the summer (May 27) you are considered a Teen by the library! So, how about getting a TeenZone preview before the summer begins?

If you are a current 5th grader (with a birthday on or before 8/31/2014) you are invited to drop in and preview the TeenZone -- from 5-9pm -- on the following evenings in May:

  • Tuesday, May 6 
  • Wednesday, May 7
  • Tuesday, May 13 
  • Wednesday, May 14

For a quick online preview, you can visit bloomingtonlibrary.org/teenzone to learn about all the gaming equipment available in the TeenZone. 

Questions about this program can be emailed to Tiffany at reference@bloomingtonlibrary.org.