Display Space and Exhibition Space

Last Updated Date
Policy Audience

Display Space

The Library provides a community bulletin board for flyers, open to organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities.

Acceptable material for the bulletin board includes non-profit organization and governmental activities, notices, programming information, and fundraising information. Unacceptable material for the bulletin board includes personal items and services for sale, commercial items and services for sale, and individual political candidate information. All materials are subject to available space and Library approval. With the exception of verified misinformation, materials will not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. 

All materials to be posted on the bulletin board must be submitted to the Circulation and Outreach staff.

Exhibition Space

In an effort to enhance community appreciation of and exposure to the arts, particularly original work by local artists, the Library provides an exhibition space to host artwork and exhibitions that reflect a wide range of views, expressions, opinions, and interests. The Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom, adopted by the American Library Association, as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View Statements.

Specific displays may include items that may be unorthodox, unpopular, or controversial in nature. The Library’s display of these items or any artwork does not constitute endorsement of content but rather makes available its expression. Artists exhibiting at the Library are asked to remember that many members of the public, including children and families, visit our building and the Library Exhibit Coordinator reserves the right to determine what work is appropriate for each space.

Artists interested in exhibiting at the Library may apply at https://www.bloomingtonlibrary.org/local-artist-exhibit. The Library Exhibit Coordinator is responsible for selecting and scheduling artists based on their applications and available space.

When an exhibit is approved, an exhibition waiver must be signed and returned to the Library Exhibit Coordinator (electronically or in person) within 5 business days of approval.

The Library reserves the right to postpone, reschedule, or curtail an exhibit at any time.


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