Internet and Computers
The Library provides both wireless internet and dedicated computers to allow patrons access to resources that reside both locally and remotely. The Library employs the latest antivirus, monitoring, and filtering technology in order to provide an experience that is positive, productive, and safe for all patrons. However, the Library is not responsible for damages, indirect or direct, arising from access to any internet sites or Library computers.
There are several different public computer access areas within the library. Each area has software and technology that is appropriate for each age group and designated use.
To ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to use the public computers, time limits are managed by computer reservation software. The reservation software requires a valid library card or eCard.
Library laptops are for use only in the Library and may not be removed from the building. All laptops contain remote tracking hardware and software that allow the Bloomington Police Department to locate them offsite. If a laptop is taken out of the Library, the Bloomington Police Department will be notified and the incident will be considered a theft of Library property.
Library laptops may be used by patrons with a valid Library card, reciprocal borrowing library card in the Library computer system, ecard, limited library card, or teen student library card. Patrons whose cards are blocked from public computer usage at the Library cannot use a laptop.
Patrons are responsible for any damage or loss to the laptop and accessories that result from accident, theft, misuse, or neglect while the laptop is checked out to them. Patrons are expected to report any loss or damage of the laptop or accessories to a Service Desk. Should the laptop be lost, stolen, or damaged, patrons may be charged the full replacement cost, which will not exceed $1,000.00.
Filtering and Monitoring
All computers connecting to the Library network are filtered. This filter is designed to restrict access to materials that are not appropriate for a public place such as the library. No filter is able to block every offensive site and it is the expectation that if a patron finds themselves on an inappropriate site that they immediately close the window containing the offensive material. This includes but is not limited to accessing material depicting offensive sexual conduct which lacks a high level of artistic, literary, political, or scientific value.
The Library reserves the right to monitor general Internet traffic, PC status, and bandwidth usage to ensure the integrity of the Library’s network. The reservation system records dates, times, and library card information, and the Library reserves the right to examine these logs to investigate damage, illegal use, or other suspicious activity.
Use and Expectations
The Library requires that everyone using the Library’s computers, laptops, and/or internet connection do so within the expectations of appropriate and acceptable use. Failure to do so will result in loss or suspension of library and/or computer privileges. The following are unacceptable:
- Violating any law, including but not limited to copyright laws.
- Any use of software that is disruptive or will monopolize network resources, including but not limited to:
- Peer-to-peer downloading.
- Port Scanning.
- Network mapping or any other software that attempts to identify or exploit network components.
- Any use of electronic information which results in the harassment of others.
- Unauthorized duplication of protected software or licensing agreements, including but not exclusively, any “hacking.”
- Altering the computers in any manner that persists to the next user
- Any unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
These expectations are not intended to be all-inclusive, and the library reserves the right to classify any action, access, or operation involving library technology inappropriate.
Parents and guardians are expected to monitor and supervise their children’s use of the Internet in the Library. Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss with their children issues of appropriate use and internet safety.